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Everyday Book Box: Blue 《天天阅读》第三级-蓝色套装 9780545377591

Everyday Book Box: Blue 《天天阅读》第三级-蓝色套装 9780545377591

  • 商品货号:14162
  • 定价:RM560.0
    书屋价:RM280.0 节省(50%)
    用户评价: comment rank 5
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适合7-8岁左右小朋友,50册一盒,所附的一片 CD 不是朗读 CD ,是教学指南及练习题,用来正确指导孩子阅读。

本书采用北美权威分级系统Guided Reading Level(GRL)和Lexile Framework(Lexile)对每本书进行了分级,家长可以按每本书的难易程度安排小朋友的阅读进程,以确保他们在合适的难度区间保持阅读兴趣。

Guided Reading Level(GRL)由美国凡塔斯博士(Dr. Fountas)和皮内尔博士(Dr. Pinnell)两位阅读专家开发的阅读分级系统,阅读难度用字母A-Z表示,Z难度**。

Lexile Framework(Lexile)由美国权威教育机构MetaMetrics开发的阅读分级系统,阅读难度从BR(Beginning Reader)开始,1700L为难度**。

In addition to the books, each Everyday Book Box contains are source CD with activities, lesson plans, and reading tips for teachers and parents.

50 fiction and non-fiction titles perfect for independent reading and developing fluency:
Level D, 3 titles: Collecting, Don't Be Late, I Love Mud and Mud Loves Me
Level E, 3 titles: The Little Red Hen, Paper Bag Trail, Rainy Day Alphabet Book
Level F, 1 title: Elliot Drives Away
Level G, 9 titles: I'll Do It Later, It's a Good Thing There are Insects, Peanut Butter Rhino, Stone Soup, The Spider and the Beehive, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Ugly Duckling, Vegetables, Vegetables!, Who Needs Friends?
Level H, 6 titles: Amazon Sun, Amazon Rain, Flies Are Fascinating, Patterns Everywhere, The Princess and the Pea, Take Care of Your Teeth, The Showdown
Level I, 11 titles: Beavers, Busy, Buzzy Bees, Cinderella, Little Koel Finds His Song, The Night Sky, The Nightingale, Odd and Even Socks, Part of the Pack, Wax Man, Where do Puddles Go?, Who Wants a Ride?
Level J, 6 titles: Hellen Keller, Inside an Ant Colony, Log Hotel, Not for Me, Sea Slug and Mr Pelican, The Tortoise and the Hare
Level K, 3 titles: Amalia and the Grasshopper, Little One Inch, The Treasure Hunt
Level L, 4 titles: Eye Foolers, Rain Forest, Science Fair Friends, The Sun's Family of Planets,
Level M, 3 titles: Fire and Wind, Turtles Take Their Time, Under the City,
Level N, 1 title: Hawks on the Clock





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